
Sunday, August 31, 2008

106: Better Halves

Transcription by Intrepid (intrepidly002@yahoo.com)



NARRATOR: (v.o.) Previously on Heroes ...


NARRATOR: (v.o.) Ordinary people across the globe discover they have extraordinary abilities.


(At the bonfire, Claire tries to get away from Brody.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) Claire searches for the answers to her powers.

(She stumbles against the fence and falls on a pile of wood.)

(When she comes to, she finds herself on an autopsy table with her chest cut wide open.)

CLAIRE: (v.o.) I think I’m old enough for you to tell me who my real parents are.

(After crashing Brody’s car into a wall, Claire is taken to the hospital.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) While her father shows a darker side.

(Claire tells her dad what really happened at the bonfire.)

CLAIRE: He tried to force me.

MR. BENNET: The quarterback?

(In Brody’s hospital room, Mr. Bennet covers Brody’s mouth with his hand to muffle his cries.)

MR. BENNET: Claire is a very special girl. Do you understand me?


(Nathan runs from Mr. Bennet and the Haitian.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) While Nathan escapes the face of evil, --

(Mr. Bennet and the Haitian corner Nathan. Nathan flies away to escape them.)


(Niki comes home to find officers in her house looking for DL.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) Niki and her son are about to get a visit from her fugitive husband.

(Niki talks with the lead detective.)

NIKI: He’s here. DL Hawkins is a killer.

(Niki walks through her house after everyone has left.)

(DL is inside the house.)


(Peter is inside the subway frozen in time.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) And Peter gets a message from the future --

(He turns around and finds Future Hiro in the subway.)

FUTURE HIRO: This is what you’ve been waiting for.

(At Isaac’s studio, Peter looks at the incomplete painting and sees the image before him.)

NARRATOR: (v.o.) -- that will define their destiny.

(He looks at the painting of Claire.)

FUTURE HIRO: The girl. You have to save her.

(Future Hiro walks away.)

FUTURE HIRO: Save the cheerleader; save the world.

(Peter talks with Isaac.)

PETER: We are all connected. If this thing you painted, if this bomb is true, we’re all dead.



NARRATOR: (v.o.) And now, Heroes continues.





(We move low among Isaac’s paintings – on the mural of New York exploding painted on the floor to a car burning to the eclipse.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process.

(DISSOLVE TO: We see the drug paraphernalia on Isaac’s table and the painting of Peter flying.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born.

(DISSOLVE TO: We see Isaac’s table top with his painting supplies and the painting of Niki looking over her shoulder.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) In the midst of these birth pains, morality loses its meaning.

(DISSOLVE TO: We see the paintings hung up on the wall – of Hiro and Ando looking at the bloodied HOMECOMING banner, of Claire or Claire being chased by the shadow on the steps of the amphitheater and of the locker doors flying at Peter.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish.

(And finally, the latest painting completed by Peter of the long shadow cast by the man in the doorway over the dead cheerleader.)

(Isaac turns to Peter.)

ISAAC: We have to save her.

(The phone rings.)


(Peter glances at the ringing phone.)

ISAAC: Ignore it. It's a wrong number. Some Japanese guy keeps calling, leaving messages.

(Peter turns around and puts the paint can and brush down. He grabs the phone and answers it.)

PETER: (to phone) Hello?

HIRO: (from phone) Mr. Isaac? Isaac Mendez?

PETER: (to phone) Who is this?



(Hiro shares the phone with Ando so he can hear too.)

HIRO: (to phone in English) Uh ... my name is Hiro Nakamura.

PETER: (to phone) My name is Peter Petrelli. I have a message for you.

(Hiro looks at Ando.)

HIRO: (subtitled) What did he say?

ANDO: (subtitled) He has a message for you.

HIRO: (subtitled) What message?

(Hiro gives the phone to Ando.)

ANDO: What message?

PETER: Save the cheerleader; save the world.

ANDO: (subtitled) Save the cheerleader, save the world.

HIRO: (subtitled) Cheerleader?

(Isaac moves closer to Peter.)

ANDO: What cheerleader? Where?

(Peter looks at Isaac. He covers the telephone mouthpiece.)

PETER: What cheerleader? Where?

ISAAC: I don't know where she is.

PETER: Yeah, but you painted these.

ISAAC: So did you.

(Isaac walks away.)

PETER: (to phone) We don't know who she is. We don't know where she is. We just know that we need to save her.

ISAAC: Tell him about the guy from the future.

(Isaac leans forward to look at the painting of the dead cheerleader.)

PETER: (to Isaac) He is the guy from the future. (to phone) A Hiro Nakamura from the future, who speaks English and carries a sword stopped time to tell me that I have to save the cheerleader. That's--that's all I know.

(Ando looks at Hiro.)

ANDO: (subtitled) You came from the future and ... told them to save the cheerleader. And you had a sword.

HIRO: (subtitled) I had a sword?

(Ando nods.)

(The thought of the sword is very appealing to Hiro.)

PETER: (from phone) Get to New York. We'll find out where the cheerleader is.

(Peter hangs up.)

(Hiro is lost in his own thoughts, a smile on his face. He looks at Ando.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I had a sword.

(Meanwhile, Peter organizes Isaac’s paintings.)

PETER: (to Isaac) Grab that side.

(Peter and Isaac move the latest painting up against the wall next to the other paintings.)

PETER: We must be missing something. Some sign of where they are. See, these paintings, they fit together like pages in a comic book.

(Peter steps back.)

PETER: There's a panel missing. (points) What was right there?

ISAAC: Nothing. This is everything I painted last night. But there's a piece about that size. I painted it weeks ago.

(He tries to think.)

ISAAC: Simone has it.

PETER: Simone.

ISAAC: She took a bunch of my paintings to sell. It's with them.

PETER: What was it of?

ISAAC: I don't remember. I was high.

PETER: Then we need to get it back.

(Peter grabs the phone and dials.)

ISAAC: (scoffs) Tell her a guy from the future said you needed it. I'm sure she'll love that.




(Sandra ices some cupcakes while holding Mr. Muggles. Claire closes the refrigerator door and walks over to her.)

SANDRA BENNET: DeeDee wants to breed Mr. Muggles with her poodle. Ugh!

(Claire reaches around Sandra and dips her finger in the icing. She pops it in her mouth and walks over to the oven.)

SANDRA BENNET: A poodle, for God's sake. They call it a Pom-a-poo or a Poo-ranian.

(Claire opens the oven and grabs the tray of cupcakes out of the oven with her bare hands. We hear her flesh sizzle and burn.)

SANDRA BENNET: Mr. Muggles doesn't want anything to do ... with a breed that has "poo" in its name.

(Claire puts the cupcakes down on the counter. She looks at her burned hands. Her skin regenerates as she watches.)

SANDRA BENNET: (baby voice) "No, I don't," says Mr. Muggles. (normal voice) Whew! Honey, I think we left those cupcakes in too long. Smells like something's burning.

CLAIRE: They look okay. I thought Mr. Muggles doesn't like poodles, anyway.

(Claire grabs a towel and uses it to bring the cupcakes over to her mom and starts icing them herself.)

SANDRA BENNET: Not after what happened at the dog park. I thought that big dog was gonna chew your hand off. Which would've put an end to your cheerleading career.

CLAIRE: It looked worse than it was. And my cheerleading career is scissor-kicking off the field as we speak. At least I'm playing my part in the bake sale.

(The den door opens and Mr. Bennet walks out. He groans as he walks past them.)

CLAIRE: Cupcake? Only a dollar for a very good cause.

(Mr. Bennet opens the refrigerator door.)

MR. BENNET: Not right now, Claire Bear.

SANDRA BENNET: You've been on the phone for an hour. Who you been talking to?

(He closes the door and walks over to Claire.)

MR. BENNET: Yeah, about that. You know how you've been wanting to meet your biological parents?


MR. BENNET: I just got off the phone with them. Turns out they want to meet you too, tomorrow.

CLAIRE: Wait just a minute. What about school? We can't just drop everything for these people. Who do they think they are?

MR. BENNET: I didn't say yes. Nobody's dropping anything. Unless Claire wants us to. This doesn't have to happen now. You don't have to do this. Not unless ... you're absolutely ready.

CLAIRE: I'm ready.




(In the mirror’s reflection, we see Niki and Micah asleep in the bed. Niki gasps and sits up. She looks around, then gets out of bed.)

(Niki walks out into the hallway. She stops and listens. She takes a step backward and looks into one of the rooms.)


(Niki pushes the curtain away from the window to see the officer cars with lights flashing and cops just out front of the house. She puts the blinds back.)


(Niki opens the kitchen door. She doesn’t move. Behind her, we see DL.)

DL: You look beautiful, Nik.

NIKI: DL. How the hell did you get in here?

(She takes a step forward. DL grabs her and pulls her back into the room. In the mirror’s reflection, DL holds her against him.)

NIKI: The police are right outside. If I scream, they will be in here in two seconds.

DL: Then I hope you don't scream.







(An officer car is parked on the street in front of the house. In the background, we hear radio chatter.)


(DL is in the house. He’s holding Niki. He takes her left hand and looks at her bare ring finger.)

DL: You're not wearing your wedding ring.

NIKI: I think that you better leave.

(She pulls her hand out of his grip.)

NIKI: You being here. Come on, that's not a good idea. Micah doesn't need this.

DL: Micah needs his father. And I need my wife. This is still my home.

(There’s a loud knock on the front door. DL and Niki both turn to look at the door.)

DL: I'm not going anywhere. You can either believe me or not. I'm going to check on our boy.

DEPUTY: (o.s.) Open the door, ma'am.

DL: I'll let you get the door.

(DL turns and leaves the room.)

DEPUTY: (o.s.) Ma'am, please open the door.

(Niki opens the door and finds the deputy just outside the door.)

DEPUTY: Ma'am, we thought we heard something inside the house. Is everything all right?

NIKI: I was, uh ... I was just talking with my son.

DEPUTY: Well, if you need anything, we'll be out here till tomorrow morning, okay?

(Niki hesitates.)

DEPUTY: Is something wrong? (The deputy looks past Niki.) If you want us to come inside, just nod your head.

(Again, Niki hesitates. Then, she smiles.)

NIKI: I'm fine. You know, God, it's just been a really long night.

DEPUTY: Then we'll let you get back to bed, okay? Just remember, we're here if you need us.

NIKI: Thank you.

DEPUTY: You're welcome.

(The deputy turns and heads back down the front walk.)

DEPUTY: Good night.

(Niki closes the door. She turns around and DL is standing right there. She walks past him and closes the door to the hallway.)

NIKI: So tell me what happened.

DL: I planned the job--

NIKI: I know that you planned the job. "Baby, it's gonna solve all out problems."

DL: It was $2 million. Enough to get us out of Vegas.

NIKI: The money that you stole from Linderman.

DL: And if we ran with Linderman's money, he wouldn't just kill me. He'd kill you, Micah. So I stepped out. Only someone stepped in after me. Someone who knew the plan. Someone who killed my crew.

NIKI: Oh, and they just made off with all the money? You have no idea who that is.

DL: I know it was a woman.

NIKI: A woman?

DL: There's a guy in North Vegas, cleans money. Heard he just cleaned somebody $2 million, so I'm gonna pay him a visit tomorrow and see if I can't squeeze a name out of him. Baby ... Baby, don't worry.



(Claire and Zach walk home from school. Zach is pushing his bike alongside her.)

CLAIRE: How am I supposed to ask someone if they're a freak when they're probably just gonna lie about it like I do?

ZACH: Why don't you just ask them what happens when they cut themselves? Or you could just cut them and find out.

CLAIRE: Uh-huh. Probably just think I was all bitter because they gave me away.

(They walk across the street.)

ZACH: You're a little bitchy sometimes, but I don't think you're all that bitter. About the adoption thing, I mean.

CLAIRE: I'm not. I mean, I'm curious about it. And it's a little weird and maybe a little sad, but I'm not mad. I mean, I love my parents.

(They turn up the driveway to Claire’s house.)

ZACH: What if your biological parents raised you, though? It'd be an entirely different scenario.

CLAIRE: What if they can do what I can do? What if they're like me?

ZACH: Well, I hope they're not. No offense, but I like -- I like that you're the freak. It makes you more ... special or whatever.

CLAIRE: Are you flirting with me?

ZACH: No. Believe me, no. Um, look, do you plan on coming out to your parents? I mean, the ones who raised you?

CLAIRE: No. My dad would unspool. He's a really simple guy. He'd never be able to wrap his mind around something like that. It would break him.

(Claire and Zach head up the path to the front door.)

ZACH: (sing-song) He's gonna find out.



(Hiro is making sword-fighting sounds while swinging an imaginary sword.)

ANDO: (subtitled) What happens if we get to New York ... and it explodes?

HIRO: (subtitled) If we get to New York ... It won’t explode. That’s the idea, it’s the heroic journey.

ANDO: (subtitled) It’s your heroic journey.

HIRO: (subtitled) It’s our heroic journey. You don’t have to have superpowers ... to be a hero.

(Ando nods. He turns to start the car. They put their seatbelts on.)

ANDO: (subtitled) So why didn’t "future you" ... come to see us? Why did he go to some Peter guy ... in New York that we’ve never met?

HIRO: (subtitled) "Future me" was afraid of causing a rift ... in the space-time continuum.

ANDO: (subtitled) You’re talking out of your ass. You don’t know how any of this works.

(Ando puts the car into reverse and backs out of the parking stall.)

HIRO: (exclamation in Japanese) !!!

(Ando hits the brakes. A black SUV pulls up behind them, blocking their way. Ando gets out of the car.)

(He sees the high roller in the cowboy hat sitting in the passenger seat. The high roller tips his hat in greeting.)

ANDO: (subtitled) It’s the high roller you cheated!

HIRO: (subtitled) I cheated?

(Ando get back into the car.)

ANDO: (not subtitled) Hurry.

(The high roller and his goons get out of their SUV. Ando urges Hiro back into the car.)

ANDO: (not subtitled) Hurry! Hurry!

(Hiro gets back into the car and looks at Ando.)

ANDO: (subtitled) Quick! Teleport us somewhere!

(The high roller taps on Hiro’s window.)

HIGH ROLLER: (in English) It's okay. I just want to talk to you.

(Ando glances behind at the other guys, then rolls down Hiro’s window.)

ANDO: I told you. We no cheat. Japanese people very lucky.

HIGH ROLLER: I know you cheated. I just don't know how. Now it's time for a little payback.

(Hiro turns and looks at Ando.)

HIRO: Huh?




(The doorbell rings.)

SANDRA BENNET: Claire, honey, your guests are here.

(Sandra opens the door.)

LISA: Hi, I'm Lisa.

SANDRA BENNET: Hi. Nice to meet you. Sandra.

LISA: Nice to meet you.

HANK: Hi, I'm Hank.

SANDRA BENNET: Hi, Hank. Sandra.

(In the back, Mr. Bennet turns and looks at Claire.

HANK: Nice to meet you.

(Mr. Bennet heads for the door. In the kitchen, Zach grabs his things and his backpack. He looks at Claire.)

ZACH: You sure you don't want me to shove 'em into something on the way out?

CLAIRE: Ha ha.

(Zach smiles at Claire as he heads for the door.)



(Niki is digging inside the closet, the mirrored closet door open, her back to DL.)

DL: So how are we gonna do this?

(DL sits down on the edge of the bed.)

NIKI: We don't.

(DL looks surprised. Niki is carrying a pillow and some sheets.)

DL: You're couching me?

NIKI: What do you think, DL? You think you can just strut back in here like nothing's ever happened? Do you have any idea what I've been through the last six months?

(She tosses the bed sheets on the bed next to DL.)

DL: No.

NIKI: No, you don't.

DL: I didn't want to leave you.

NIKI: But you did. It was going fine. We were making it.

DL: Oh, 30 grand a year doing construction.

NIKI: That wasn't enough for you?

DL: No, Nik, it wasn't enough for me because that business doesn't fly when you have a family.

NIKI: When you left, I became another person.

DL: I don't care that you took off your clothes on the Internet. I'm not mad about it. Look, you did what you had to do.

NIKI: Look, you can stay here tonight. But you need to leave in the morning.

DL: If that's what you want.

(DL picks up the sheets and leans forward to kiss Niki on the cheek. Niki turns away from him.)

(DL takes the things and leaves the bedroom. Niki shakes her head.)

(In the living room, DL sits on the sofa.)

(In the bedroom, Niki is in bed.)

(DL puts the pillows on the armrest behind him and takes his shirt off.)

(Niki sits up in bed.)

(DL settles back against the pillows.)

(Niki thinks about it.)

(We focus on the wedding ring on DL’s finger.)

(Niki gets up. She opens her jewelry box.)

(DL is on the sofa, the wedding ring on his finger glistening in the sparse light.)

(Niki takes out her wedding band and looks at it.)

(DL is on the sofa. Niki appears in the doorway.)

NIKI: Come to bed.

(DL sits up and looks at her.)



(It’s a high-stakes poker game.)

HIRO: (o.s.) (subtitled) We’ve won enough. We need to leave, our mission awaits.

(Ando and Hiro talk.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We still owe him more; we can’t leave yet. (Ando glances over his shoulder at the men at the card table.) Give them good cards, but not too good.

ERNIE (DEALER): Hey, Japanese guy, you in or not?

(Ando nods at Hiro.)

ANDO: I'm in.

(Ando takes his seat at the table next to the high roller in the cowboy hat.)

ERNIE (DEALER): So what's your system, huh, pal? (Ando glances over at the high roller.) Some ancient Oriental voodoo?

ANDO: No system. Japanese people very lucky.

ERNIE (DEALER): Japanese people better run out of luck soon. I'm starting to think I'm getting hustled.

HIGH ROLLER: Easy, Ernie. It's a friendly game. No one's getting hustled.

ANDO: No hustle. Only good fortune.

(Ando raises his bottle at the other player at the table. He drinks.)

(Hiro concentrates and uses his powers. Time freezes. He gathers all the cards off the table, rearranges them, tosses them to the players and takes his position.)

(Time resumes.)

ERNIE (DEALER): Well, let's go.

(Everyone takes their cards. Ando has a straight flush, 10-high.)

LOWLIFE (CARD PLAYER): I'm in for $400.

(Ando glances behind him at Hiro, who smiles. Ando puts his cards down.)

ANDO: I will bet ... $1,000.

(Hiro is surprised. The cart he’s leaning against rolls away and Hiro crashes to the floor, making a big racket. The card players look at Hiro. Hiro gets up.)

HIRO: Sorry. Beg pardon.

(Ando goes down to help Hiro pick up the stuff from the cart. He turns and sees a gun on the suitcase at Ernie’s legs. Ando sits up and looks at Ernie, who hasn’t noticed Ando.)

(Ando pushes his chair away from the table and stands up. Hiro is busy putting things back on the cart.)

ANDO: We must use bathroom.

LOWLIFE (CARD PLAYER): Now? We're in the middle of a hand.

ANDO: Sorry. Must go now. Too much beer.

(Ando grabs Hiro, who is still stacking up the stuff from the cart.)

ERNIE (DEALER): You guys go to the bathroom together?

ANDO: Yes. It is how we roll.

(Ando grabs Hiro and they enter the bathroom. The card players watch them leave.)


(Ando pushes Hiro into the bathroom. He grabs the feathers Hiro’s carrying and puts them aside.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I don’t need to pee.

(Ando looks at the closed metal door.)

ANDO: (subtitled) They’re going to kill us!

HIRO: (subtitled) What?

ANDO: (subtitled) The man with the scary face ... has a gun under the table pointed at me.

HIRO: (subtitled) A gun?

LOWLIFE (CARD PLAYER): (through door) Hey, who invited her?

(In the background, we hear a scuffle and commotion in the card room.)

HIRO: (subtitled) What should we do?

(Ando turns and looks at Hiro.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We? No. You. You need to get us out of here now.

(On the other side of the door, a man screams. Hiro is appalled.)

HIRO: (subtitled) What’s that?

(In the other room, they hear fighting – flesh hitting flesh and men screaming.)

(Hiro concentrates.)

ANDO: (subtitled) What are you doing?

HIRO: (subtitled) I need to stop it.

(Hiro continues to concentrate.)

(Something hard slams into the metal bathroom door, cracking it. A man screams. Ando and Hiro both take steps back away form the door.)

(Then everything’s quiet.)

(Ando motions for Hiro to be quiet.)

(They hear footsteps walking away.)

(Blood drips down the side of the door through the crack.)

(Hiro is pained and horrified.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I couldn’t save them. I just hid in here. A hero doesn’t hide ...

ANDO: (subtitled) He does if he wants to live.

(Ando turns and checks the bathroom window.)

ANDO: (subtitled) We need to get out of here.

(He opens the window and steps down to get Hiro.)

ANDO: (subtitled) Before whoever did this comes back.

(He grabs Hiro and leads him to the window.)

ANDO: (unsubtitled) Hurry.

(Ando turns and looks back as he helps Hiro up.)





(Niki is asleep. DL kisses her and she wakes up.)

DL: Your hair is getting so long.

NIKI: It's a mess.

DL: I like it. Reminds me of when we first met.

NIKI: God, we were kids.

DL: It was fly.

(They laugh. Niki turns over and settles against DL’s shoulder.)

DL: Oh, you should get some sleep. You didn't get much last night.

NIKI: I slept as much as you did.

DL: Uh-uh. I heard you getting up. Trying to be all quiet.

(Niki sits up.)

NIKI: I did? When?

(Niki looks at the mirror. In addition to her and DL, she sees another "Niki" leaning on DL. DL sits up and looks at Niki.)

DL: What's wrong, baby?

(He looks at the reflection. He doesn’t see the second "Niki." Niki turns to him.)

NIKI: Um ...

(The door opens and Micah walks in.)


(DL laughs. Micah runs to him, jumps on the bed and gives DL a hug.)

DL: Oh! I missed you.

MICAH: I missed you, too.




(Eden holds Mohinder the Lizard.)

EDEN MCCAIN: I guess the flying Petrelli didn't fly.

(Mohinder is packing his bag.)

MOHINDER: We were on the train together, then suddenly he started carrying on about a mysterious traveler who stopped time and told him to save a cheerleader. It was all very fascinating. I should write a paper on the experience.

EDEN MCCAIN: Maybe you provoked him with sarcasm.

MOHINDER: Peter Petrelli went from steady as a clam to, as you say, crap-house rat in a blink. No provocation whatsoever.

EDEN MCCAIN: Except maybe from a time traveler.

MOHINDER: You'd like that, wouldn't you?

EDEN MCCAIN: Yeah, well, so would you.

MOHINDER: Did I tell you that the man who paints the future is a heroin addict?

EDEN MCCAIN: Did you see any of the paintings?

MOHINDER: I didn't see him. After what I witnessed on the train, I doubt he even exists.

EDEN MCCAIN: Now what? You just take Papa Suresh back to India? Just get on a plane and that's it.

MOHINDER: Yes, that's exactly it.

EDEN MCCAIN: And what about Mohinder?

MOHINDER: We were no good for each other anyway. Thank you, Eden. For all that you've done for both me and my father.

EDEN MCCAIN: You're welcome. You know, you can go back and scatter those ashes, but you're always gonna wonder if maybe there was something to what your father was doing if you just looked again.


EDEN MCCAIN: Oh, yeah. You're not done here. That's why I'm not even gonna say good-bye.

MOHINDER: Good-bye, Eden.

EDEN MCCAIN: See you later.

(He leans forward to kiss her cheek. Eden turns and kisses him.)

(Mohinder smiles. He heads for the door with his bag. He takes his jacket off the coat rack. Eden smiles.)

EDEN MCCAIN: Like I said ... see you later.



(DL looks through Micah’s comic books.)

DL: You're still reading these, huh? Remember all those comics my granddad used to have: Tales From the Crypt, Vault of Doom? (The last one is a 9th Wonders comic book.) Ooh! 9th Wonders! Told you not to read them, but you had to do it anyway. Scared you silly.

(Micah has a huge grin on his face. DL growls. Micah giggles.)

DL: I am Uluru the Invincible!

(He picks Micah up and sits him on his lap.)

DL: (serious) I'm sorry for not being around. (DL looks at Niki’s direction.) How's your mom? How's she doing?

MICAH: Okay.

DL: You're looking after her, right? 'Cause you're the man of the house when I'm not around.

MICAH: I know. I'm trying.

(Micah sighs.)

MICAH: Dad ... how'd you get out of jail?

DL: Between you and me ... I walked out.

MICAH: Out of prison? How'd you do it?

DL: Ain't no jail can hold your old man.

MICAH: Why not?

DL: 'Cause I got a secret.

MICAH: Like Superman?

DL: Yeah. Just like Superman.

(Niki appears in the doorway.)

MICAH: Got a bunch more comics. Want to see?

DL: Big Daddy, go get 'em.

(Micah runs off. Niki walks over to DL.)

NIKI: It's gonna crush him when you run again.

DL: There won't be any more running. Not after today.

NIKI: This is not just gonna go away.

DL: It will when I get that woman's name. I guess I could hunker down in your backseat, and you could give me a lift. Every cop in Vegas is looking for me.

NIKI: So you want me to take that risk.

DL: I want you to hear that I was set up from the horse's mouth. I know you, Nik. You're starting to believe me because I'm standing here staring you in the face. But once I'm out of your sight, you're gonna start to wonder. And I don't ever want you to wonder about me again.

(They look at each other.)



(Claire meets with Lisa and Hank. Claire sits opposite them between Mr. Bennet and Sandra.)

LISA: She has your mouth and your nose, doesn't she?

HANK: Yeah, it looks like it, doesn't it?

(Claire nods.)

CLAIRE: I wonder what else of yours I have.

(An awkward silence settles on the group.)

SANDRA BENNET: Can I get anybody anything to drink? Lemonade-- just made a pitcher from scratch. We have sodas, iced tea. We have cupcakes, don't we, Claire? Just made 'em last night. The two of us. Sort of a thing we do.


LISA: I would love some lemonade, thank you.

HANK: Me too.


CLAIRE: Yes, please.

SANDRA BENNET: Three lemonades coming right up.

(Sandra and Mr. Bennet both get up and leave Claire with Lisa and Hank.)

HANK: So, what can we tell you about ourselves?

(Claire looks at them.)



(Niki pulls up the red convertible and parks. She gets out of the car and looks around. She’s wearing a long-sleeved top. It looks clear. She motions to DL and he sits up from the backseat.)


(DL leads Niki down the stairs to the basement.)

NIKI: I don't see a welcome mat.

DL: It's all right. I know these guys. We used to get stuff done for Linderman.

(DL tries the door. Before he opens it, they hear the sounds of sirens approaching. DL tries the door again and it opens.)

NIKI: It’s not locked?

DL: Guess not. Come on.

(They go inside.)


(Niki follows DL.)

NIKI: Maybe they moved.

DL: They didn't move.


(An old turntable plays the end of a record.)

(DL walks into the room and stops as he takes in the scene.)

DL: Go back to the car.

(Niki stops in the doorway.)

(DL sees the dead bodies and overturned furniture.)

DL: Go back to the car now.

VARIOUS FLASHES OF: The dead high roller, Ernie and the other card player.

(DL grabs Niki and tries to get her out of the room. But Niki is horrified by the all-too-familiar sight.)

DL: Come on, let's get out of here. Come on, come on. Come on!




(Lisa reaches for her glass of lemonade.)

HANK: Oh, uh, we're not together anymore. As high school sweethearts, we didn't even make it to graduation. Once Lisa got pregnant, it was over.

LISA: He wanted to keep the baby. You. And I didn't. You probably think I'm a bad person for giving you up.


(Mr. Bennet watches from the den.)

CLAIRE: (from living room) No, I don't think that.

(The den door opens and Sandra rushes in to find Mr. Bennet at the window watching them.)

SANDRA BENNET: This is so awkward I've got lip sweat. Should you be eavesdropping?


(Sandra joins him.)

SANDRA BENNET: Oh, I guess. What else are we gonna do?


(In the living room, Claire fiddles awkwardly with her hands.)

CLAIRE: So is there anything I should know? Like, medically. Anything weird or out of the ordinary.

(Lisa looks at Hank.)

LISA: Well, there is something.

(Claire’s eyes widen.)

LISA: I have diabetes.

CLAIRE: (nods) Diabetes.

HANK: All you gotta worry about from my side of the family is a history of cancer and heart disease.

CLAIRE: Great.


(Mr. Bennet’s phone rings.)

MR. BENNET: Sorry!

(They’re busted. Sandra looks sheepishly at her husband and waves to Claire and the guests through the window.)

MR. BENNET: Sorry.

(Mr. Bennet steps away from the window and answers his phone. Sandra steps away from the window as well.)

MR. BENNET: (to phone) Hello. Yeah. Yes, how are you? Hold on a second. (to Sandra) It's work.

(Sandra heads out of the den.)

MR. BENNET: (to phone) Yeah, go ahead.

(Mr. Bennet closes the door behind her.)

EDEN MCCAIN: (from phone) Suresh just left for India.

MR. BENNET: Then stop him.



(Eden stands in front of the wall map fiddling with the push pins.)

EDEN MCCAIN: (to phone) I tried.

MR. BENNET: We both know you can try harder.

EDEN MCCAIN: He's already gone. But he'll be back.

(Mr. Bennet sighs. He picks up a pair of broken glasses.)

MR. BENNET: What about Peter Petrelli?

EDEN MCCAIN: He claims he can fly, but I don't have confirmation. Also, there may have been an encounter with somebody who can stop time.

MR. BENNET: Really? That's cool.

EDEN MCCAIN: Evidentially he had a message for Petrelli. He told him to save the cheerleader.

(Mr. Bennet stops cold.)

EDEN MCCAIN: Are you still there?

MR. BENNET: Yeah. Thanks for the update.

EDEN MCCAIN: So what do you want me to do with the precog?

MR. BENNET: Bring him in.

(Mr. Bennet closes the phone.)





(DL puts a glass in front of Niki. He puts a hand on her shoulder.)

DL: I've never seen anything like that.

(He takes a drink. Niki stares off in front of her.)

NIKI: I have.

(She turns and looks at DL.)

NIKI: In the garage.

DL: In the garage?

NIKI: Uh-huh.

(Niki drinks from her own glass, puts it down on the table and stands up.)

NIKI: After you left, I borrowed money from Linderman.

DL: How much?

NIKI: Thirty. I got behind on the rent. Micah's tuition. I didn't know what else to do.

DL: I'm sorry.

NIKI: When didn't I pay Linderman back in time, he sent two guys to collect. It got physical. I got knocked out. When I woke up, they were dead. And it looked like what we saw today.

DL: What, they were torn apart?

NIKI: Uh-huh. I have gone over it a thousand times in my head. I didn't see anything. Anyone. I was the only person there. It was me.

(He reaches for her; she takes a step back.)

DL: Nik, look at me.


DL: You did not do this.

NIKI: What if I did? W-what if, what if I got up in the middle of the night and I went --

DL: Baby, you are being played. Whoever set me up set you up, and they're making damn sure I can't clear my name.

NIKI: I don't --

DL: But the one thing they're not counting on ... is us.


MICAH: (o.s.) Mom, have you seen my backpack?

NIKI: Did you leave it at Tina's?

(Micah appears in the doorway.)

MICAH: No, I had it when I came home.

NIKI: Okay, honey. Will you just give me another minute?

(Micah walks away.)

NIKI: We need to tell the police.

DL: They'll never believe us. The only way I can clear my name is to find the person that did this myself.

MICAH: (o.s.) Okay, it's been a minute.

(Niki smiles and leaves the room.)

NIKI: I'll come help you.


(Niki walks into the room. She sighs and finds Micah’s backpack under some stuff.)

NIKI: (exasperated) Micah.

(She heads out of the room, then stops. She looks at her reflection. Jessica turns around and smirks back at Niki.)


(Niki blinks and looks down at herself. She’s sitting on the sofa in the living room. She’s no longer wearing the long-sleeved top, but a light-colored tank top. By the look on her face, she can’t remember what happened.)

(She stands up and heads out of the room.)


(Micah is filling his backpack. The door opens and Niki walks in.)

NIKI: Micah, where'd you get that?

MICAH: Get what?

NIKI: Your backpack.

MICAH: You just gave it to me.

NIKI: I did?

MICAH: Yeah, Mom, you were just in here two minutes ago. You told me to pack some clothes and that we were going to Grandma's house.

(Niki can’t remember.)

MICAH: Mom, are you okay?

NIKI: No. No, you know what? I just -- I need to go lay down. I'm not feeling well.

(Niki walks out of the room.)


(Niki closes the door and leans against it for a moment.)

(She walks over to the mirrored closet doors and leans against it.)

NIKI: God ... what's happening to me?

(She turns her back to the mirror and slides down to the floor.)


JESSICA’S VOICE: (v.o.) You need to pull yourself together.

(Niki turns and sees another "Niki" sitting against the mirror.)

NIKI: You're not real.

JESSICA: Oh, I am as real as you are.

NIKI: No. No, I have a tumor or something. This is ...

JESSICA: Poor little crazy girl.

NIKI: A hallucination.

JESSICA: Is that what you think you are? Oh, we're a lot of things, Niki, but we're not crazy.


(DL appears in the doorway.)

DL: Micah, where's Mom?

MICAH: She's in her bedroom. She didn't feel good.

DL: Yeah. Yeah, she's had a hard day.


(Niki and Jessica continue to talk.)

JESSICA: What do you think DL is gonna do when he finds out what we've done?

NIKI: What we've done?


(Micah looks at DL.)

MICAH: Are you and Mom gonna get back together?

(DL walks into the room and sits next to Micah.)

DL: Most of the time ... in relationships, when somebody makes a mistake, the other person just pretends it didn't happen. But when someone thinks you made a mistake and you didn't, ... it just gets a lot more complicated.


JESSICA: We framed him. We killed his crew. Stole $2 million. We killed those thugs in the garage. Killed those little bitches at the poker game. We've been very busy.

NIKI: Those men were ripped apart.

JESSICA: Yeah, well ... what can I say?

NIKI: But they didn't do anything to me.

JESSICA: Leaving witnesses would be sloppy. I did what had to be done. Like I always do.


MICAH: Are you getting back together or not?

DL: I don't know. I hope so.


JESSICA: And this is what we're gonna do now. You're gonna get the money, and you're going to take Micah as far away from DL as you can. I'll do the rest.

NIKI: DL can take care of me.

JESSICA: Niki ...

NIKI: I don't need you.

JESSICA: He'll think you're crazy. And then he'll take Micah away from us. He'll put it all together, and when he does ... it's really only a question of whether he kills you before he leaves.


MICAH: Dad, you know how you have a secret?

DL: Mm-hmm.

MICAH: Mom has a secret too.


JESSICA: So you have a choice. You can let DL take our son away from us forever, or ... you can do exactly what I say.

(Niki thinks about it.)

NIKI: Where's the money?

JESSICA: Good choice.

(TOP VIEW DOWN: Niki sits back against the mirror.)





(Hiro and Ando walk back to their car.)

HIRO: (subtitled) I should have saved them.

ANDO: (subtitled) You’d have been killed.

HIRO: (subtitled) I’ve been given a gift, Ando. I’m supposed to use it to help people. To save people. I failed.

ANDO: (subtitled) You’re being too hard on yourself.

HIRO: (subtitled) Maybe I’m not the hero I thought I was.

(They reach the car.)

ANDO: Hiro. (subtitled) Every hero is on a journey to find his place in the world. But it’s a journey. You don’t start at the end. Otherwise, they can’t make a movie about it later.

HIRO: (subtitled) What if I’m on the wrong path? What if I was supposed to save those people?

ANDO: (subtitled) You can bend time and space. Maybe when you can do it better ... you can come back here and fix things.

HIRO: (subtitled) Like a do-over?

ANDO: (subtitled) Exactly.

HIRO: (subtitled) A do-over. (He smiles.) I like that.

(Hiro gets into the car. Ando gets into the car, too.)



(Claire is cleaning up. She picks up the lemonade pitcher.)

SANDRA BENNET: Where's your father? I mean, not your biological father, but, you know, your dad.

(Claire hands the pitcher to Sandra. She turns to get the glasses.)

CLAIRE: He's walking out the bio-parents.

SANDRA BENNET: Is that what you're calling them, the bio-parents? Oh, that's so cold and impersonal. And fitting.


(Outside, Mr. Bennet walks Hank and Lisa to their car.)

MR. BENNET: Thanks again for coming out. I know your visit meant a lot to Claire.

LISA: When I was her age, I had enough weighing on my head. I'm glad I could help.

(Mr. Bennet shakes their hands.)

MR. BENNET: (to Hank) Thanks. (to Lisa) Thank you.

(Hank looks at them.)

HANK: I think that went pretty well.


HANK: If there's anything else you need ...

MR. BENNET: I'll keep you posted.

(Mr. Bennet turns and looks back at the house.)


(Sandra talks with Claire.)

SANDRA BENNET: Was it what you were hoping for?

CLAIRE: Not really. I mean, I don't know what I was hoping for. I guess I just wanted them to tell me who I am. They don't know any better than I do.

SANDRA BENNET: Baby, nobody can tell you who you are. That's just something you gotta figure out for yourself.

(Claire takes a bite out of a cupcake.)

CLAIRE: Can we throw these away?

SANDRA BENNET: Are they burnt?

CLAIRE: No. I'm just afraid I'll eat 'em all if we don't.

(Sandra takes the tray of cupcakes and heads to the utility room where she throws them away.)

SANDRA BENNET: You know, I have to hand it to your dad. This isn't the first time we've tried to find those bio-parents.

CLAIRE: It's not?

(Sandra picks up Mr. Muggles and brings him out of the room.)

SANDRA BENNET: Un-uh. When you were a baby ... we thought you had something wrong with your chromosomes. Some disease. We needed to screen your parents to see if they were carriers. I was scared to death, and they were nowhere to be found.

CLAIRE: What kind of disease? How did you know there was something wrong with me?

SANDRA BENNET: Nothing was wrong with you. You were fine. It's just, I don't know, one of those things.

CLAIRE: Of what things? I mean, was I doing anything abnormal?

(Sandra walks up to Claire.)

SANDRA BENNET: You had a cough, Claire. Don't turn hypochondriac on me. Your brother's bad enough. (She kisses Claire on the top of her head.) Mwah!

(She continues walking into the next room while talking baby-ish to Mr. Muggles.)

SANDRA BENNET: (baby voice) Come on, you. Come on.

(Sandra walks out of the room. The den door opens and Mr. Bennet steps out. Claire turns and looks at him. He walks over to her.)

MR. BENNET: So ... was that as scary for you as it was for me?

CLAIRE: You're a very brave man, Dad.

(She gives him a hug.)




(We’re in the attic above Niki’s bedroom. The boards open and Niki hoists herself into the attic. She slides along the dirty boards and finds a briefcase. She opens the briefcase and finds it filled with cash and a gun.)

(She shuts the briefcase and drops it down onto the bedroom floor. She jumps down and grabs the suitcase.)

DL: (o.s.) All this time.

(Niki turns around and finds DL standing behind her near the bed.)





NIKI: I can explain.

DL: You played me for a fool. Set me up.

NIKI: No, I can explain everything. I know--I know what this looks like.

DL: I loved you, Niki.

NIKI: No, there is this other person. I can't control it. I don't know what's happening to me.

(DL reaches for the briefcase.)

DL: I'm taking Micah. And I'm taking the money. Good-bye, Niki.

(Niki’s face hardens as Jessica appears.)

JESSICA: You're not taking anything.

(She swings the briefcase and hits DL in the face. He goes flying backward over the bed --

DL: Unh!

-- and smashes into the far closet door. He falls to the ground. Jessica smiles.)

(Micah appears in his bedroom doorway.)

MICAH: Mom, is everything okay?

JESSICA: Everything's fine. Your dad and I are just moving furniture. Go to your room.

(Jessica closes the door.)

(She looks around the room. DL is nowhere to be seen. She looks around the room and takes a step back against the wall.)

(DL’s arms appear out of the wall. He grabs her from behind. Jessica gasps. He holds onto her.)

JESSICA: So this is how you got out of jail.

(Jessica grabs DL’s hand and tears his grip off of her. He yells.)

DL: Aah!

(She throws him on the bed. The bed frame collapses from the impact. Jessica climbs on DL and starts choking him. He tries to grab her and we note the SYMBOL mark on the back of her right shoulder blade.)

(Micah bursts into the room.)



(Jessica turns and looks at Micah. They both do. DL phases his hand into Jessica’s chest and up to her neck. He holds on.)

(Jessica collapses off the bed and onto the floor.)

(Micah runs to his mom, but DL grabs him and keeps him from her. Niki’s eyes close. DL picks Micah up and carries him out of the room.)

(We hold on Niki.)



(CU of the painting of Niki looking over her right shoulder. Isaac is looking at the painting. He notices something and takes a step closer to the painting. He wets his thumb with some saliva and rubs away the top layer of paint on Niki’s right shoulder to reveal the SYMBOL underneath.)

(There’s a knock at the door.)

(Isaac answers the door.)

EDEN MCCAIN: Isaac Mendez?

ISAAC: Who are you?

EDEN MCCAIN: I'm an admirer of your work. May I come in?



(Niki is knocked out on the floor.)

MOHINDER: (v.o.) Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process. Morality loses its meaning. The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish.



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